I photographed Tanzania all wrong. This was a trip just as I was getting back into photography after a long pause. New cameras had comes out, new lenses, and everything was a mystery to me. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. And ultimately, the limitations I had brought to Africa made the experience all the more awesome.

I brought one lens to Tanzania. And it wasn’t a telephoto lens like you’d expect. It was 35mm on a crop sensor camera, which is the equivalent to a 50mm lens on a full frame. If you don’t speak camera tech, in a nutshell, what you see through the camera is basically the same as what you see with your eyes (perspective wise). So while I lack those great animal close ups, I do have animals in their habitat. Doing animal stuff. And when an animal appears close up… they are.

Shooting with a limited selection of gear can be frustrating. But the lesson, and the joy of it, is that you’re able to tell your compelling stories with where you place your focus. What your composition reveals. It’s a challenge that can quickly feel like a hack. Like you’re now able to just rely on what you have and let your technique carry you. Looking back on these images, I’m so thankful for the experience.